Posts Tagged ‘Barack Obama’

Future Plans


I plan on continue writing posts on a bi-weekly bases. There is always going to be skew in the news. Also, I plan on adding more links from different networks such as CNN to get another perspective on the different stories that is happening around the country and the world. Writing this blog opened my […]

A few Republicans have begun to caving into the idea of tax hike for the top 2% Americans. The Republicans that have said they are considering on going along with the tax hike, say that if there is enough cuts in entitlement spending then they would along with the tax hike. On Fox News, Sean Hannity had  guest Ann Coulter on and were talking about […]

 If President Obama and the Republicans do not compromise on a deal by next year then the country will go over the cliff. President Obama’s Plan There is still no deal on what to do about the fiscal cliff. President Obama’s proposal on the fiscal cliff is to add $1.6 trillion dollars in new taxes, $50 million […]